Your Local Roof Washing Heros At Your Service

Our Services Include

  • Contact you with your details.
  • Visit you to take a proper look and inspection of the place.
  • Capture images for better inspections and tracking records.
  • Let you know the issues, choices and ideal estimates for free.
  • Start the service immediately.
  • Track records and update you with messages or snaps.
  • Quality check after completion.
  • Clean the place with proper care.

What You Can Expect From US

  • In-depth root cause analysis service for best durability and longevity.
  • Latest and effective equipments for fast service.
  • Proper maintenance instructions after service.
  • Transparent communications and best safety measures.
  • Customer satisfaction guarantee on service & aesthetic preferences.
  • Proper planning and execution.
  • Maintaining the time constraints and hygiene.
  • Best budget-friendly and cost-effective services in singapore.

Is Your Roof Feeling A Bit Dirty? Let’s Get It Pampered With A Spa Day By Our Professionals!

Welcome to SP Roofing Contractor!

Selamat Datang! Vanakkam! 欢迎!

At SP Roofing Contractor, we get how Singapore’s climate can really impact roof maintenance. Keeping your roof clean with our heavy rain and high humidity is super important. Regular roof cleaning helps keep it in great shape. Dirt, algae, moss, and lichen can build up quickly here, and if we don’t take care of them, they can cause serious damage. Plus, a clean roof looks so much better! Let us help you keep your roof looking and performing its best.

The Roofing Types We Work On

Residential | Commercial | Industrial

Concrete Roofs

shingle roof red logo

Metal Roofs

Tile Roofs


Our Cleaning Process

clays shingle roof top view, one side dirty and one side clean


We begin by thoroughly inspecting your roof to assess its condition and decide on the best cleaning method. Leakage problems are easier to identify right after cleaning. With proper care you can save your roofs structural integrity.

painting roof shingles with full safety


We clear out the gutters and cover plants and furniture to keep your property safe.

painting roof shingles with full safety


Depending on your roof type, we use pressure washing, soft washing, or chemical cleaning to remove dirt, moss, and algae effectively. We also use air pressure to remove light dirt and debris.

Our Effective Methods As Best Roof Washing Company

At SP Roofing Contractor, we treat your roof like it’s our own.

Clay Shingle power washing , roof top view 3

Pressure Washing

If your roof has tough stains and grime, pressure washing is the solution. It’s especially effective on durable surfaces like concrete and metal roofs. Using high-pressure water, we can make your roof look brand new.

over coating roof top for waterproofing 2

Soft Washing

We use soft washing for more delicate roofs, such as asphalt shingles and clay tiles. This gentle method uses low-pressure water and special cleaning solutions to remove dirt and contaminants without damaging the roof.

clean shingle and awning view from roof top

Chemical Cleaning

Persistent algae and moss can be tricky, but chemical cleaning does the job. This method is highly effective at killing and preventing these organisms. We handle all chemicals carefully to ensure the safety of your roof and the surrounding area.

What You Gain From A Professional Roof Pressure Cleaning Service?

Your roof will lose pals like moss, algae, and debris from causing damage.

Your roof gains Some Extra Lifespan.

It can show off its curb and that shiny new look now like Jamie Chua!

Your roof will maintain a healthy relationship with your family.

Energy efficiency will be its new skill. saving bill for maintaining cool environment by reflecting more sunlight.

We Would Like To Know More From You!


How often should I clean my roof?

The Legendary Question! Well, it really depends on a few factors. We typically recommend a cleaning every 2-3 years for concrete or metal roofs to keep them looking sharp. You can usually stretch it out every 3-5 years if you’ve got asphalt shingles or clay tiles. But if you’re in a particularly rainy or shady area, you might want to bump that up a bit. Basically, we’ll look at your roof and give you the lowdown on the best cleaning schedule to keep it in tip-top shape!

What are the situations would you want roof cleaning contractors?

  • If your roof looks dirty, full of algae or moss, insects or mosquitoes, discolored and stained, your roof asks for the service. 
  • Suppose you are looking forward to selling your property. In that case, a cleaning service will enhance the beauty as many Singaporean clients have roofs as one of their top priorities. 
  • If you plan to repaint your home, install solar panels, or make other exterior improvements. 
  • Suppose any significant event is coming, or you face health issues like allergies or dengue. In that case, you can look forward to cleaning the roof. 
  • Regular maintenance routine.

How long does the roof cleaning process take?

The million-dollar question! Generally, it depends on a few factors, like the size and condition of your roof and the cleaning method we’ll be using. Generally speaking, we can complete cleaning most roof projects within a day. After a visit, we’ll give you a more precise estimate based on your specific situation. But we’ll work efficiently to finish the job as quickly as possible without cutting corners. After all, we know you want to return to enjoying your clean, beautiful roof in no time!

What are the likely roof washing prices?

The cost question! For standard residential roofs in Singapore, you’re looking at somewhere between SGD 300 to SGD 800. But like the size of your roof, the type of material, and the cleaning method we’ll be using, and if you want to add other services like coating, it can change the cost. However, be well assured that we will give you the ideal budget-friendly estimate. We only suggest add-ons if necessary; we won’t force you to purchase or use anything that is out of your budget or completely irrelevant. After all, transparency is key when it comes to pricing!

Will roof cleaning remove stains and discoloration?

Absolutely having a good clean will surely make your roof say goodbye to old friends like algae, moss, bird poops, etc., who are causing stains and discoloration.

Do you offer any warranties or guarantees on your roof cleaning services?

Is roof cleaning safe for the environment and surrounding vegetation?

You bet it is! At SP Roofing Contractor, we’re committed to using eco-friendly cleaning solutions and methods that are safe for the environment and surrounding vegetation. We take every precaution to ensure that our cleaning process has minimal impact on the ecosystem around your home. So you can enjoy a sparkling clean roof without worrying about harming the environment or your beautiful greenery. It’s a win-win for you and Mother Nature!

How soon after cleaning can I expect to see results?

The anticipation question! Well, you’ll be happy to know that you won’t have to wait long to see the results of our roof-cleaning magic. In fact, you’ll notice a difference right away! However, the full effects of the cleaning process may become more apparent as your roof dries completely. So give it a little time to air out, and soon enough, you’ll be admiring your beautifully clean roof shining in the sunlight. It’s like giving your home a The anticipation question! Well, you’ll be happy to know that you won’t have to wait long to see the results of our roof-cleaning magic. In fact, you’ll notice a difference right away! However, the full effects of the cleaning process may become more apparent as your roof dries completely. So give it a little time to air out, and soon enough, you’ll be admiring your beautifully clean roof shining in the sunlight. It’s like giving your home a facelift – but for your roof! – but for your roof!

Can I clean my roof, or do I need to hire professionals?

Yes, why not? You can do it with the right precision and skills. But if you don’t have it, then it is recommended to hand over your friend to us. We will take good care of it. Here is why it needs a professional to clean thoroughly or just pressure washing. The methods we explained earlier may seem easy to understand, but they take work to do. Everything from the type of equipment and pressure washer nozzle to specific pressure requirements plays a massive role in every kind of roofing material. You can get significantly damaged while just trying to clean. Improper use of materials, methods, or cleaning agents can also damage concrete or metal roofs. We will still say you can do it, but it is always recommended to hire SP Roofing Contractor. You can have a coffee and talk to our manager if you want to do other roofing work like leakage repairs, waterproofing, or any painting or renovation upgrades.

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